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Legend III

Legend III

The entry-level series of PW Audio uses high-quality silver plated OCC copper in the wire, which brings you a completely different upgrading experience. Three-frequency sound is smooth, the mid- and high-frequency are not harsh, and the hearing is comfortable, suitable for favorite Users who feel relaxed.

  • 詳細規格

    Jacket Material : Teflon as insulation and PU as jacket Conductor

    Material : silver plated copper litz

    Conductor Gauge: 26AWG

    Number of Conductors : 4

  • 購物保障

    1. 所有換貨必須在交貨之日起 7 天內提出。

    2. 原則上不接受退貨或取消訂單。

    3. 客戶在收貨時,請立即檢查產品是否損壞或完整。

    4. 有關產品售後,可與 PRAESTO TRADING LIMITED 聯絡。

  • 運送細則

    1. PWAUDIO 會在翌日生產您的訂單,所有本地訂單完成後經由順豐速運發貨,發貨後兩個工作天內送達。

    2. 根據目的地的不同,國內可能需要 5 天,海外地區可能需要更長時間。

    3. 只要購物滿 HKD500,您無需付任何運費。


    Starting from 2021, PWAudio has switched to use eco-friendly packaging #INVISIBLEBAG  to reduce the impact on the environment. It looks like a plastic bag but actually made of materials which are non-toxic and biodegradable. Simply dissolve it in hot water and flush it down the toilet. More about #INVISIBLEBAG:



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